Saturday, January 26, 2008

VBPL and Social Networking

Should VBPL use social networking for teens? The safety and liability issues involved in social networking sites would be a huge obstacle for creating such a site and would have to be weighed heavily with the obvious advantages.

RA Wiki

I really enjoyed this experience . . . so easy and quick. I'm becoming a fan of wikis!

Wikis and Libraries

Wikis seem to be a wonderful way to share information among large groups of people. The obvious disadvantage is that it may not always be easy to check the credentials of those people who are inputting information. The credibility of these web sites may always be in question.

Using IM

Using Meebo as an anonymous IM tool for libraries seems to be a good idea in many ways. It allows users to remain anonymous, thereby reducing any reluctance to ask questions for any reasons.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

IM in Libraries

IM may be an effective way of communications for libraries, but I am not convinced of this. For instance, e-mail leaves an electronic "trail," where communciations can be reviewed at a later date. And although emoticons can be used, I would hardly think they would be as "warm and friendly" as the human voice.

RSS Feeds

I investigated three of the RSS feeds for this assignment:,, and Techorati. Of these three, I found Topix and Technorati fairly easy to navigate, similar to any other Internet search tool. I did not understand the organization of Syndic8 at all. I'm not at all certain how to use it.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Learning 2.0

Learning 2.0 should help me to better help customers with their technology questions. It is difficult for an average person to keep up with the advances in technology. Young people seem so much more comfortable and quick with technology, but it is important for all of us as lifelong learners to use the latest technology that is available to us.